Posted: 23.05.2024 17:47:00

Minsk City Executive Committee: Belarus-Pakistan trade turnover continues growing

The First Deputy Chairperson of the Minsk City Executive Committee, Nadezhda Lazarevich, has commented on the bilateral liaisons during the presentation of a themed tram dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Belarus and Pakistan

“The thirtieth anniversary of friendship between Belarus and Pakistan is an important date. Trade turnover between our countries is growing, and we will continue to strengthen and promote our relations in every possible way. This year will be rich in joint events, and the launch of a themed tram that will run around Minsk, reminding residents and visitors of the beauty and culture of Pakistan, is among them. When deciding upon its route, we thought of the Minsk Tractor Plant, which machinery – decorated in the same technique – work in the fields of Pakistan. Sales of our tractors to Pakistan are gaining momentum again,” Ms. Lazarevich said. “With this in mind, the route of the decorated tram will run through the Minsk Tractor Plant – to remind its employees that the machinery they produce is successfully operated worldwide.”

The Minsk City Executive Committee representative stressed that economic ties are getting stronger also through culture, “We often meet with the Embassy staff and discuss our co-operation. The economy is above all, but the development of cultural values is no less important as well. The economic development and expansion of trade between countries are sure to take place if we remember the culture of our land and support the culture of friendly states. Many large industrial enterprises of Belarus supply their products to Pakistan at present.”