Posted: 29.09.2023 13:28:00

Lukashenko stated the need to improve support mechanisms for large families

The country needs to improve the mechanisms for supporting children in large families – as stated by the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, during his today’s conversation with residents of the agro-town of Vishov, Belynichi District, Mogilev Region

Among those present was the Artistic Director of the Vabichansky Uzory [Patterns] Folk Vocal Ensemble (from the Vishov Centre of Culture), Yelena Kalakustova. In 2017, she was bestowed upon the Order of Mother by the President. The woman had five children at that time, and there are already six of them in the family. She warmly thanked Aleksandr Lukashenko for the attention and support that the state provides to large families.

The President praised the woman for another child, noting that the state will carefully study large families, which are different. Sometimes negligent parents fritter away the money allocated for children.

“I insist now – and we will think about how to achieve this – so that these allowances are spent on children’s needs. We should find a mechanism. We will do everything for children from large families. We need to increase our population. We will support those with many children. Thank you for having six," Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.