Posted: 19.10.2022 10:09:00

Lukashenko recalled how ‘liberal shmucks’ giggled in Russia, but time has shown who was right

On meeting a Russian philosopher and public figure, Aleksandr Dugin, the Head of State, Aleksandr Lukashenko, shared his belief that Belarus and Russia should stick together, BelTA reports


"I might say roughly but I remember the time when liberal shmucks – as I call them – made fun of me when I said that time would come (it was two years ago) when Putin and I would have to stand close to each other and fire back. They laughed at those words, but what do we see today? We see this is actually in place,” the Belarusian leader stated.

"Therefore, we need to stick together. We should not somehow leave the other party behind. There is no need to divide something here – like our common Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Everything is clear, and history distributed the roles long time ago,” the Head of State added.

"After all, what is being said about Belarus in Russia, and what is not being said or being concealed… It is probably not a big secret for you, since you can see a real situation behind numbers, lines, or commas. Actually, people did not really understand what was happening in Belarus, especially earlier. We were sometimes criticised for nothing. I understand there is (was) some jealousy, something else. There were different reasons. Therefore, a person of such a level as you – a public person who sees the realities… I hope Russians will come to know this [how Belarus lives – BelTA’s remark]. I am much interested in it, because we are destined to live together. In no case should we run away from each other," Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

"I think a person like you will draw the right conclusions by analysing events and seeing the realities. It is not just my interest. This is the interest of Belarus and Russia. This is the interest of the Russian and Belarusian peoples, all Russians and Belarusians," the Head of State added.