Posted: 04.07.2024 15:00:00

Lukashenko: Belarus will do everything in its power to increase SCO’s weight and authority worldwide

Belarus will do everything in its power to increase the weight and authority of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation all over the globe – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko at a meeting in the SCO Plus format of the SCO Council of Heads of State in Astana


The President cordially thanked everyone for Belarus’ support in joining the SCO, underlining that this is a serious and deliberate step for the Belarusian side, “We see how the SCO’s role in the global politics is increasing every year. Its members listen and hear each other, they do not dictate their will, although the world’s grandees are represented in the organisation. I assure that we’ll do everything in our power to ensure that the weight and authority of the SCO constantly grow all over the globe.”

The Belarusian leader gave a very succinct statement that well reflects the essence of modern processes, “Chinese President Xi Jinping said that ‘right now there are changes – the likes of which we haven’t seen for 100 years – and we are the ones driving these changes together’. Indeed, we are all participants in the most serious systemic changes in the global politics. These changes are based on a decrease in the influence of the unipolar world order.”

However, according to the President of Belarus, the ‘golden billion’ is not happy about this prospect.

“Colonising and mercilessly exploiting all other countries, the West has been creating the foundation of its wealth, political, economic and military superiority in such a piratical way for centuries. The Washington-London hegemon looks at the world as its own property. The planet’s several billion people aren’t people for the West, but means to achieve personal well-being. That’s the whole political economy. This is the main reason for the numerous challenges in the field of international security,” Aleksandr Lukashenko accentuated.

Within the framework of this philosophy, the conflict in Ukraine was provoked, the Head of State added. As a result, the world is in the deepest crisis today.