Posted: 03.06.2024 07:12:00

Lukashenko: Belarus, Mongolia are on threshold of qualitatively new stage in co-operation development

Official talks between President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko and President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh have begun at the Ulaanbaatar State Palace

Before the start of the negotiations, Aleksandr Lukashenko left an entry in the Book of Honoured Guests of the State Palace, “I am impressed by the beauty of the country of the eternal blue sky and the hospitality of our Mongolian friends. Belarus is interested in strengthening co-operation with Mongolia in all areas. I am confident that our states are on the threshold of a qualitatively new stage in the development of bilateral co-operation."

The Head of State wished the President, the Government of Mongolia and all Mongolian people health, happiness, and progress.

Simultaneously with the events of the state visit, the Mongolian-Belarusian Business Forum is being held in Ulaanbaatar.

Diplomatic relations between Belarus and Mongolia were established on January 24th, 1992, and embassies work in both countries. Last year, the trade turnover amounted to $29.2m, including $29m of Belarusian exports. Condensed and dry milk and cream, petroleum products, plastic containers, tractors, chipboard, flour confectionery, malt, cheeses and cottage cheese, ready-made low-fat food products, chocolate and food products containing cocoa were sold to Mongolia.
