Posted: 03.07.2024 15:50:00

Lukashenko: SCO countries act as locomotives of global economic growth and centres of attraction for investments

The SCO member states act as locomotives of global economic growth and centres of attraction for investments and innovative industries – as stated by the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, in an exclusive interview with the Kazinform news agency


Aleksandr Lukashenko recalled that he had talked about the huge potential of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation (SCO) since the first days of its foundation. The Head of State noted that Belarus immediately became interested in its initiatives and began to take part in its projects.

“I’m convinced that today the SCO member states act as locomotives of global economic growth and centres of attraction for investments and innovative industries. The SCO is not just an international organisation for Belarus. This is a strategic perspective, primarily, in trade-economic and investment co-operation, the development of transport and logistics, information-communication and other infrastructure,” the Belarusian leader noted.

He added that as a full member of the organisation, Belarus will strive to link our initiatives as much as possible with the existing developments.

“Some of these initiatives will be presented at the SCO meeting in the Kazakh capital. Belarus is keen to liaise with the countries of the growing ‘SCO family’ in the field of security, combating organised crime, drug trafficking, and human trafficking. We fully share the priorities set out in the organisation’s main document – the SCO Charter – as well as in the Samarkand and New Delhi declarations of the Council of Heads of State,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. 

The Belarusian leader noted that a project to create the SCO Development Fund is currently being worked out, where the idea of establishing a free trade and economic zone of the organisation is being promoted.

“It is even more important that the organisation is not associated exclusively with security and economic issues. After all, it is also a unique opportunity for the mutual enrichment of cultures, the rapprochement of our peoples, direct communication between youth organisations, and the intensification of co-operation in sports, tourism, science, and education. It is based on this understanding that Belarus has included the Day of SCO National Cultures in the programme of its annual Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk International Festival of Arts, to be held from July 9th-15th,” the President of Belarus said.

“We also see a good prospect for development in promoting the ‘integration of integrations’ idea, for which we intend to use our experience in multilateral diplomacy and peacekeeping. Meanwhile, the most important thing is that together we clearly demonstrate to the world that there are alternative international platforms, other centres of power where – without superiority and dominance – the voice is heard and the interests of all states are respected. Belarus is grateful for the support, appreciation and recognition by the SCO member states of our contribution to the organisation’s activities. We understand all responsibility and are committed to active and productive work in the new status,” Aleksandr Lukashenko added.