Posted: 28.06.2024 09:19:00

Lukashenko approved new models of military uniforms

President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has signed Decree No. 264, approving new models of military uniforms, reports with reference to the Belarusian leader’s press service

The document corrects Decree No. 100 (as of March 17th, 2020) On Military Uniforms and Insignia for Military Ranks of Military Personnel.

Taking into account world practice, the peculiarities of the assigned tasks and in order to increase comfort and convenience when wearing military uniforms, the list and items of military uniforms have been clarified. This applies to military personnel of the Armed Forces, the State Border Committee, the State Security Committee (KGB), the internal troops of the Interior Ministry, the Operational and Analytical Centre under the aegis of the President of Belarus and the Presidential Security Service.