Posted: 05.07.2024 16:49:00

Opinion: West’s statements about Belarus’ intentions to attack its neighbours deeply absurd

Statements by Western countries unfriendly to Belarus about our plans to attack our neighbours are absurd – as stated by national security expert Aleksandr Tishchenko in his talk with SB TV

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The expert pointed out that the NATO bloc standing on the Belarusian border is many times superior in numbers and equipment to our forces, “At the same time, declaring that we are going to attack them is absurd at the very root of this phrase.”

Mr. Tishchenko believes that such statements by the West can be regarded either as a commercial project or as an attempt to pull Russia’s forces away from some areas in Ukraine, “Russia announced that any aggression on Belarus’ territory will be perceived as aggression on the territory of the Russian Federation, because it is a Union state. The West needs an escalation on the Belarusian border only to distract Russia from Ukrainian problems. Nothing else is visible here.”