Posted: 01.07.2024 11:14:00

Lavrov: all decisions made by presidents of Belarus, Russia based on balance of interests

All Belarus-Russia relations – those of the Union State and of strategic partnerships – are based on reciprocity, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov noted in his talk with the Belarus 1 TV channel

Speaking about where Belarus’ support for Russians is most noticeable now, the Russian Foreign Minister noted, “That’s not how we put the question: where Belarus can support Russia? All our relations – those of the Union State and of strategic partnerships – are based on reciprocity. All the decisions that the two presidents make in the development of the Union State, in the development of its political activity, proceed from the principle of reciprocity and are based on a balance of interests. Everything we do is mutually beneficial. Take any area of our work and you’ll see it is this principle that ensures the success of the Union State relations between Russia and Belarus.”

Speaking about whether personal contacts between presidents Aleksandr Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin are planned in the near future, Sergei Lavrov replied, “They are planned. The SCO summit is an obvious venue when they will meet.”