Posted: 28.06.2024 09:48:00

Latvian security forces beat and threw two refugees into Belarus’ territory

On June 27th, Belarusian border guards found two foreign citizens with obvious signs of torture at the border with Latvia, reports with reference to the Telegram channel of the State Border Committee of Belarus

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The refugees said that Latvian security forces beat them with batons and used stun guns. After that, the beaten foreigners were pushed into the Belarusian territory.

Belarusian border guards provided first aid to the men and called paramedics.

An ambulance team arrived at the scene and diagnosed the foreigners with numerous bruises and abrasions on their bodies, as well as traces of the use of stun guns. The refugees were taken to the hospital.

“Latvia’s migration policy continues to cripple people in need of protection and asylum. This is the third recorded case of illegal actions against refugees on the Latvian-Belarusian border this month,” the State Border Committee noted.