Posted: 18.07.2024 15:44:00

Lukashenko: we’ll work to make UN more effective

The Belarusian side will work to make the United Nations more effective – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko during today’s working meeting with Belarus’ Permanent Representative to the UN Valentin Rybakov

The Head of State noted that this is relevant against the background of his recent meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on the sidelines of the SCO summit in Astana, “Such an interesting conversation took place. It was interpreted in different ways by some media outlets, especially on the Internet: as if Guterres made some claims against us. But you know perfectly well, being there in New York, that no claims have been made against us. On the contrary, we received a positive assessment.”

However, according to the President, the assessments are not the main thing here.

“We see what’s going on, especially at your place of residence. We now assess the world’s democracy and the hegemon accordingly. But these are their questions. Of course, we have supported and will continue to support this organisation [UN]. We also support it now,” Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.

According to the President, this is our position as the founding country of the UN, though, of course, we also see the drawbacks.

“We are one of the founding countries of the United Nations. We see the drawbacks, but these are not the flaws of Mr. Guterres and the organisation. These are our drawbacks, because the UN is a collective body, where everyone has their own voice, their own opinion. Everyone has the right to vote one way or another, to speak out one way or another. We understand this perfectly well, but we will work to make the UN more effective, enabling it to make the decisions on time. And so that these decisions are fair for all countries, the vast majority of the countries participating in the UN, and not as it is happening now due to the policies pursued by the West, primarily the US, using its dominant advantage in the economy, finance and so on. Therefore, we stand for the UN, we will support all sensible initiatives that correspond to our understanding of a just world order and multipolarity in the world. We will act in this direction,” the Head of State underlined.

According to the Belarusian leader, our initiatives are by no means less important for the global community.

“On the contrary, they are very significant. We will also stick to them and other issues. But I would like to hear about the situation in the US, in the UN from your point of view. What efforts do we need to make in some areas in order for our voice to be more or less significant?” Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.