Posted: 18.10.2024 10:47:48

Klishevich: growing Chinese trade turnover has direct impact on our national security

Belarus and China set a record for bilateral trade turnover, and they have no plans to stop. House of Representatives MP Sergei Klishevich talked to Alfa Radio about why that is important.

“Reacting to the sanctions policy applied by the West, we have replaced nearly everything we need but don’t make ourselves. Things we used to buy from the West, we now buy in China. And I’m not talking about cheap China-made consumer goods, the 1990s style: we buy highly advanced modern products. Take EVs, for instance. People really do choose Chinese cars, despite their prices (due to their high quality) being comparable to those asked by European brands. With its tough anti-Belarusian policies, the West, in essence, sanctioned itself. Their products have been replaced. That is one of the reasons our trade with China has been growing,” said the MP.

Although, as Mr. Klishevich duly pointed out, the fruitful co-operation between the two countries didn’t start a couple of years ago: it started way back when no one could imagine the PRC becoming a global leader.

“We are grateful to our President Aleksandr Lukashenko and his longstanding wise policies with regards to China. We know about his relationships with his Chinese friends, partners, and the PRC authorities. The Chinese would never be so eager to partner with us if they didn’t trust us, and if our friendship wasn’t tested by time. Back in the 1990s, virtually no one could have foreseen the scale of China’s development and their eventual leadership position in the world. But it seems our President could, so we’re working with them extensively today. And out trade relationship is bilateral: we buy from them, but also supply our goods to China, starting from farming products and finishing with industrial goods. That means our factories are working continuously, and the wages keep growing. Economic growth, more budget money to spend on social benefits: all thanks to our President who chose positive, mutually rewarding, respectful and incremental build-up of our relationships with the People’s Republic of China and our Chinese partners. Us losing up to 40 percent of our markets after 2020 and 2022 had no effect on the living standard of an average Belarussian citizen, because we had diversified our trade. So now we are not only able to rebuff the [Western] attacks, but move forward. Our economy has been growing for years, and in 2025, it will continue to do so,” explained the speaker.

Drawing the line under the conversation, the MP added, “Growing trade turnover with China has a direct impact on Belarus’ national security; it strengthens our young country, its sovereignty and independence.”