Posted: 11.07.2024 13:39:00

Brazilian analyst: Lukashenko is target of Western sabotage, but Belarus manages to worthily resist

Belarus is a good example of a country that knows how to withstand external pressure – as stated by Breno Altman, an analyst, journalist from the pool of the Brazilian President, editor-in-chief of the Opera Mundi portal, in his talk with the Belarus 1 TV channel

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Breno Altman said that Belarus is a country that ‘forces to respect itself and its people’.

“After all, the geopolitical structure today is built in the following way: some want to respect, yet some don’t want to respect. Certain countries allow disrespect towards Belarus. As a global politics observer, I will say unequivocally: it’s impossible not to notice Belarus. It has preserved and developed healthcare, industry, and government. You did not allow the country to be destroyed, you have preserved it. This is victory, and this is one of the best examples we have after the collapse of the USSR,” the analyst added.

The journalist noted that Belarus is resisting unprecedented pressure, and President Aleksandr Lukashenko is ‘the target of Western sabotage’.

“Anyway, you manage to resist worthily. Belarus is a good example. You have gone through transformation in a difficult way, you know how to withstand pressure,” he underlined.

As noted, Altman is known for his harsh statements, and part of the Brazilian elite especially does not like him, because many of them keep money in American banks. Meanwhile, Altman does not hide his opinion from the public, including regarding Belarus.