Belaya Rus Chairman compared democracy in Belarus and in the West
There is virtually no democracy left in the West, while it is really present in Belarus – as noted by the Chairman of the Belaya Rus Republican Public Association, Oleg Romanov, in his talk with Alfa Radio
Mr. Romanov explained why real democracy in many countries is curtailing – including in the West. “We will better understand the level of democracy in our country if we assess its state in the world and modem trends in the development of democratic societies. These trends meet the ‘decline’ concept: real democracy is curtailing in many countries. There are several reasons for this – i.e. the sense of danger among the political elites in Western countries. They are afraid that the middle class, which has risen to its feet, will be able to push them in decision-making. It is no secret that the co-ordinated interests of elite groups are actually hiding under the guise of democracy," he said.
Moreover, as Mr. Romanov noted, an attack on trade unions is in full swing in the West, and so the interests of ordinary people are not being actively defended. This, in turn, indicates a decline in the level of democracy.
“Against this background, a system is being formed in Belarus that is higher in terms of its democracy than not only the system of Western countries, but also the level of normative theory. The practice of political education, involving people in an open discussion of bills, the Constitution and future decisions indicate that we are returning to the participatory democracy that was once tested by Greece, in the republics of Medieval Europe and in our East Slavic space," the Belaya Rus Chairman added.
“At a new stage, we are forming a participatory democracy, which is a much more mature democracy. Here, citizens are involved in the political process and take part in decision–making, directing the public development towards progress,” Mr. Romanov summed up.