Posted: 14.02.2023 10:07:00

Aleinik: Belarus-Hungary dialogue has always been built on the principles of mutual respect and equality

For thirty-one years, the dialogue between Belarus and Hungary has not stopped and has always been built on the traditional principles of interstate relations: equality, mutual respect, the desire to listen and to hear each other – as stated by Belarus’ Foreign Minister Sergei Aleinik after the negotiation with Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó

“This is a very important foundation, the basis of diplomatic relations, which, unfortunately, many people forget about in modern diplomacy,” stressed the Head of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry.

He noted that he is happy to welcome in Minsk not just a colleague, but also a person who has long been known and respected in Belarus.

Thanks to him, even in such difficult times for the international situation as the present, our co-operation is on the path of development, with healthy interdepartmental contacts being maintained, interregional ties developing, business circles actively interacting, and various practical issues being successfully resolved. All this is ultimately aimed at the development of our countries and for the benefit of our nations.

Sergei Aleinik particularly noted the high degree of mutual understanding between the countries, “Both Minsk and Budapest build their foreign policy based primarily on national interests, taking into account national peculiarities and traditions. At the same time, we look pragmatically at many things, strive to understand and respect the value orientations of the partner state, to find common ground and mutual benefit. Of course, we strive to unconditionally fulfil the agreements reached and comply with taken obligations. This is how trust is created, maintained and multiplied.”

He said that during the talks, the parties discussed the state and prospects for the development of co-operation, particularly discussing the possibilities of intensifying bilateral contacts, developing existing tools for interaction and creating new ones. Attention was also paid to the issues of promoting inter-parliamentary dialogue and intensifying contacts between the parliamentarians of our countries.

“According to the established good tradition, a programme of joint actions of the two states’ foreign ministries for 2023 was signed, envisaging the continuation of the practice of holding an inter-MFA dialogue, a set of measures to stimulate economic interaction, as well as educational and cultural exchanges,” the Foreign Minister.

He stressed that since Minister Szijjártó’s last visit to Belarus, a large amount of work has been done to develop trade-economic liaisons: a significant number of meetings and negotiations have been held through other sectoral ministries, departments and individual enterprises. Numerous business visits to Belarus and Hungary took place, during which new plans and projects were outlined. Contacts have been made through business associations and chambers of commerce and industry of both countries, including at the regional level.