Posted: 26.07.2024 11:42:00

35 medical devices with AI registered in Russia

Since 2019, Russia’s Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor) has registered 35 medical devices with artificial intelligence (AI), and 28 of them were created by Russian developers, TASS reports


Russia’s Deputy Minister of Health Pavel Pugachev took part in the round table discussion in the Federation Council: Legal Regulation of the Functioning of AI-Based Systems in the Russian Federation: a Vector for the Development of Legislation.

“In early 2019, we did not have a single registered medical device [using AI], while today we already have 35 of them, and 8 medical devices were registered only in the first half of this year <...> Out of 35 medical devices, we have 28 from 18 Russian developers contributed to the Russian software registry,” he said.

The official added that among the medical products there are those designed for the analysis of pharmacological therapy, electronic cardiograms, moles and the detection of oncological diseases, CT scans of the brain and chest. The products are also used to analyse the data of an electronic medical record.