Posted: 05.01.2023 12:15:00

Varivoda: leadership of domestic car manufacturer in H2 2022 was indisputable

The past year has become a real test for the automotive market. Chairman of the Board of the Belarusian Automobile Association Sergei Varivoda told us about the trends in the industry, the sales volumes and leading brands.

“In 2022, the market for new passenger cars has accelerated the fall, and the results, unfortunately, are disappointing. According to the results of the year, a little more than 14,000 new cars were sold by car dealers. Moreover, more than half of them were sold in Q1. In terms of annual sales, the market for new cars has been thrown back ten years, and the sales of recent months were close to those of twenty years ago. Meanwhile, last year’s top sellers were two of the Union State’s leading car manufacturers: AvtoVAZ with the Lada brand and BelGee with Geely, accounting for about half of the entire market. At the beginning of the year Lada dominated while in the second half of the year Geely’s leadership was indisputable. Unfortunately, the brand and model range has been significantly reduced. In early 2022, 108 models from 27 brands of new cars were presented on the market while in late 2022 these figures dropped to 28 and 11, respectively.