Posted: 17.10.2023 13:10:00

Time for a powerful consolidation

The President of Belarus took part in the CIS summit in Bishkek

The session of the CIS Heads of State Council was traditionally held in a narrow and expanded format. In total, the summit lasted about 5 hours. For a long time, the leaders of the countries communicated not only in an official format, but also in an informal setting. The meeting was attended by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of Russia Vladimir Putin, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, and Secretary General of the CIS Executive Committee Sergei Lebedev. In the Kyrgyz capital, Aleksandr Lukashenko presented Belarus’ position on the most pressing issues of interaction within the Commonwealth. The emphasis is on solidarity and unification. On the sidelines of the event, the Belarusian leader met with his Uzbek counterpart Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, has met with the President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, before the CIS summit     BELTA

On the need to act together in the CIS and the resolution of conflicts

Aleksandr Lukashenko at a meeting of the CIS Heads of State Council in a narrow format said, “Let me remind you that the key purpose of creating the Commonwealth was to prevent the disruption of ties after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Our competitors in the West were and are not happy about that. The West keeps attempting to shake us loose, to weaken us, and subjugate us. Georgia was the first country to withdraw from our association. Ukraine is de facto no longer with us. There are big problems with Moldova. Regretfully, Armenia doesn’t always act in the spirit of partnership. It is impossible to calmly watch what is happening from the sidelines: otherwise, we will be simply torn apart. And ordinary people, the peoples of our countries will be the first ones to suffer... 
As a matter of principle, now is the time to take a more critical look at the situation in our Commonwealth. We shouldn’t bury our heads in the sand. After all, we see that all the chronic conflicts that we were saddled with back in the day inevitably produce very sad consequences. Thank god, a trend towards the resolution of these conflicts has emerged and some of the conflicts have been successfully resolved.”

On multipolarity and the request for a fair world order

The President emphasised the importance of adopting a statement on interstate relations in a multipolar world, “In general, it reflects our common vision of the world order, except for the paragraph proposing to express concern over the politicisation of international courts. But even this mild wording was not supported by everyone. Why do we need these international courts? Especially in our relations. Moreover, we understand, especially now, why they are doing this.
Apparently, someone hasn’t been affected by this yet. Someday you will want to help children, give them a piece of childhood, shelter them from bombings and shelling, and you will be put on the international wanted list for this,” the Belarusian leader noted.
The President stressed that in the context of the rapidly changing situation the demand for a more just world order, for the associations that are looking for ways to advance co-operation, peaceful coexistence, legal guarantees of development and elimination of discrimination on the basis of religion or income level is greater than ever.
“Our Commonwealth is just one of such associations,” the Head of State is convinced. “Why don’t we all appreciate it? We have accumulated vast experience in constructive work, which is of interest outside the CIS. Other integration associations have their eyes on it. But for many it’s like an eyesore.”

On a common language that cannot be lost

In his speech Aleksandr Lukashenko described the initiative of Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev for establishing an international organisation for promoting the Russian language as timely and in demand.
“You know, all of us speak Russian today, this is why we don’t feel this colossal problem so acutely. But look at the young people in our republics. Many speak Russian worse than they speak English and other languages. [Mastery of the Russian language] is our greatest treasure. If we let things slide, we may end up having to hire an interpreter in order to communicate,” the Belarusian leader stated.
Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasised that he has always said that the Russian language is not the Russia’s language,“It is our common language. We lived as one country for a long time. Proceeding from the concept that the language is a live thing that develops in creative ways, we also developed this Russian language together. There is a bit of Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Tajiks, and so on in this language. Not only Russians and Belarusians. This is why are we losing the Russian language?”
The President remarked that he is rejoiced by the trend in ex-Soviet Central Asia countries, including Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan, where new schools and universities open and use Russian as the language of instruction.
“But more needs to be done. This is why this initiative concerning the Russian language is as important as some economic initiative. The situation with the Russian language is a disaster in [countries of] the former Warsaw Pact. Unlike them, we don’t want our young people to communicate with each other via an interpreter or only in English as I’ve already said,” the Belarusian leader stressed.

On expansion of the CIS’ influence zone, co-operation in SCO and BRICS

Speaking about expanding the CIS zone of influence, Aleksandr Lukashenko said, “Representatives of various international organisations participate in many meetings of the Commonwealth bodies, and today’s adoption of documents on the observer and partner status in the CIS will pave the way for legal regulation of such relations. 
Belarus has always supported the alignment of activities of international integration associations that have similar goals and objectives. The basic condition is providing mutual support and not creating obstacles. I believe that the Commonwealth member states may be interested in considering other co-operation formats in such important areas as e-commerce, digital technologies, access to public procurement, reduction of roaming tariffs and many other areas,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.
The President of Belarus is confident that partners are interested in co-operation within the framework of the SCO and BRICS, implementation of high-tech projects, development of new logistics routes to deliver goods to the far arc countries, including the active promotion of the North-South corridor, close coordination of efforts to ensure food security for the most vulnerable countries. It is necessary to promote such areas of activity without fear of falling under secondary sanctions of the West.
Aleksandr Lukashenko highlighted the new trend associated with the development of such large international organisations as the SCO and BRICS.
“There is no doubt that these are organisations of the future. But you see some backpedalling there. Indeed, the level of integration is higher when it comes to the EAEU and the CIS. What if we were part of the SCO and BRICS as a single organisation, would that weaken our positions? No. And I am sure that Russia needs to be more active there, without looking at what the Americans or the West do and want. Russia should be a linchpin member of our association — the CIS. We must strive to act as a single organisation in BRICS and the SCO. We have a more advanced integration in politics, economy, and so on,” the Head of State noted.


On the situation in the world and the Middle East

“I should say that the situation is changing catastrophically fast. Shavkat Miromonovich and I talked about it for about an hour [during the meeting of the President of Belarus with the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev]. It is changing by a lot. More and more new challenges are emerging. Take a look at the Middle East. They no longer shake up us. They shake up the entire world. I hope to god it will stop before World War III begins.”
The Head of State remarked that in response to economic pressure Belarus and its allies, primarily Russia, have consolidated forces for the sake of sustainable economic development. Macroeconomic and financial stability has been preserved. Transition to a growth trajectory has been achieved.
“And then Russia has shaken itself and has become way more self-dependent in many areas of economic development.
If we put a stop to these Western horrors shoulder to shoulder together with the Commonwealth, our common results would be much higher. If you recall, when we were part of the Soviet Union, everyone was afraid of us. They feared and respected us. Regretfully, the world respects only strength. And together with China, Iran, Brazil, and Global South now, we will not fear Western sanctions. They will reckon with our opinion if we stand together. And our opinion in international affairs will be the decisive one,” the Belarusian leader is sure.

On the value of the CIS format

“Thanks to our common commitment, we have consistently developed multifaceted co-operation despite new unprecedented challenges. By and large, it was thanks to them that we shook things up, took a fresh look at the situation, and found solutions that were on the surface. Today’s results speak for themselves,” the Belarusian leader said.
Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that the partners have done a lot for the future, “While the West is investing in the war, or, to put it more simply, squandering their taxpayers’ money, we are increasing long-term investments in high-tech industries such as microelectronics, aircraft construction, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, information and communication solutions. Many problems can only be solved together. If we are not together, then it will be just talk and no action. Only we ourselves can guarantee our sustainable and safe development. To do this, we need to be self-sufficient in strategically important industries. We have the resources, potential and competencies for this. We need political will and understanding of the importance of the Commonwealth.”
The Head of State urged to preserve the unique formats of unity in the CIS at all costs, to prevent an internal split and joining the ranks of sanctions ideologists, 
“It is also essential to prevent provocations aimed at inciting ethnic and territorial disputes in the post-Soviet space. It’s not to offend somebody, but you already feel that Belarus and Russia have now a full grasp of the situation they are in. And especially we, Belarusians... But the Central Asian republics and our legendary representative of the Caucasian republic are present here. I must say, difficult times await you. Just like us and the Russians. On the one hand, we have the big brother who is trying to help us. Naturally, he has his own interests. On the other hand, we have the United States, the West, and you have already felt it.”

On interregional co-operation

The Head of State mentioned with satisfaction that an agreement on trade in services and on making investments has been signed within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States this year, “I am convinced that it is a timely and important document. Bearing in mind these documents and in continuation of previously adopted documents, I suggest stepping up the work on expanding interregional economic co-operation. Shavkat Miromonovich [Mirziyoyev, Uzbekistan President] said it right today: if we don’t stand in the way of regions but help them a bit instead, they will resolve many problems without us. It is our unconditional potential that is in demand. We have the relevant experience. The initiative put forward by the Republic of Uzbekistan earlier in favour of holding a CIS forum of regions is relevant and needs to be implemented in practice as fast as possible. It should become a priority task. The CIS states have the necessary experience and accomplishments in the bilateral format.”

A bilateral meeting of President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko and President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev took place before the CIS summit in Bishkek. The Heads of State discussed the most important matters of Belarusian-Uzbek relations.
It was noted that trade is on the up, but its growth potential is much bigger. In this regard, governments should take the next step to build on positive momentum. It is important to expand and scale up economic co-operation. Uzbekistan is interested in Belarusian technologies in various sectors, primarily manufacturing.
Aleksandr Lukashenko and Shavkat Mirziyoyev thrashed out co-operation plans and discussed preparations for the upcoming visit of the President of Belarus to Uzbekistan.
It was agreed to hold a meeting of the intergovernmental commission in the late November — early December. The commission is expected to break down the tasks and identify additional points of growth in bilateral co-operation.
Interregional contacts are also important. Shavkat Mirziyoyev proposed drawing up a schedule for the 2024 regional agenda.
The Presidents also touched upon youth policy and co-operation in the humanitarian sphere.
Aleksandr Lukashenko and Shavkat Mirziyoyev discussed in detail the international agenda — the situation in the world, hot spots, and developments in the region.
The two leaders described their meeting as an opportunity to lay a foundation for a more vibrant co-operation in the future. 

A number of decisions were made and the relevant documents were signed as a result of the summit. It was decided that the Russian Federation will preside over the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2024.
A decision was made in favour of awarding a Badge of Honour of the Commonwealth of Independent States to Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in recognition of his contribution to the development of the CIS, the reinforcement of friendship, good neighbourhood, and mutually beneficial co-operation between the CIS member states.
Participants of the summit discussed and passed a treaty on establishing an international organisation for promoting the Russian language. Four statements were passed: on co-operation in digitising the state administration; on international relations in a multipolar world; on protecting rights of people and citizens to the freedom of religion; on supporting and promoting the Russian language as a language of interethnic communication.
Other documents passed by the summit participants include an agreement on setting up an international centre for evaluating the risks of legalisation (laundering) of criminal revenues and terrorism financing, an agreement on setting up a coordinating centre in the sphere of forensic examination activities, an interstate program on joint measures to fight crime in 2024-2028.
The Heads of State instituted a medal For Contribution to Peace Building. The award will become the only interstate mark of distinction to reflect personal merits of citizens of the CIS states and representatives of other countries in building peace and maintaining international security.
The city of Samarkand has been declared the cultural capital of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the year 2024.

The foreign ministers of the CIS states in Bishkek adopted a statement in connection with the situation in the zone of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
The foreign ministers of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan express concern over the unprecedented escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which has resulted in numerous casualties among civilians on both sides.
The foreign ministers strongly condemn any form of extremism, terrorism, hostage-taking and other violent acts against civilians, along with the indiscriminate use of force during military operations.
The statement expresses concern over the looming humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip and emphasises the need to comply with the international humanitarian law and to ensure that all those in need are provided with the necessary assistance, including food, fuel and medical assistance.
The foreign ministers also call on the parties to immediately cease hostilities, to ensure a lasting ceasefire and open humanitarian corridors for civilians.
In addition, they emphasised the importance of stepping up international and regional diplomatic efforts to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East in line with internationally acknowledged guidelines, including the relevant UN resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative. 

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