Posted: 03.09.2024 09:57:00

Three beaten Afghans found in Braslav District on border with Latvia

Three beaten foreigners were found in the Braslav District on the border with Latvia, BelTA reports with reference to Belarus’ Investigative Committee

Investigative Committee’s video screenshot

The department reported that the new facts of atrocities by foreign mercenaries were recorded in the Braslav District. On the evening of August 30th, Belarusian border guards found three beaten foreigners, namely Afghans aged 33 to 36, on the border with Latvia. The beaten men were taken to a medical facility, where they received aid.

The Investigative Committee noted that the victims said that they were severely beaten on the territory of Latvia. In response to a plea for mercy, the ‘military’ began to beat with batons and use a stun gun, and then forced the three men to cross the border of Belarus. The Braslav District Department of the Investigative Committee is conducting an inspection on the fact of inhumane treatment of refugees.