Posted: 09.10.2024 10:51:00

State Border Committee: Iranian refugees found on border with Poland, one of them dead

Three beaten refugees from Iran were discovered on the border with Poland, one of whom died at the time of the border guards’ arrival, reports with reference to the press service of Belarus’ State Border Committee

Photo: State Border Committee video screenshot

“Another incident occurred on the morning of October 8th. Three beaten refugees from Iran were found on the border with Poland. Two foreigners were brothers, one of whom was killed at the time of the arrival of the border guards,” the press service of the Belarusian border department said.

The brother of the murdered man said that all three were detained by European security forces. Despite the fact that the refugees did not offer any resistance, gas canisters were used against them and they were beaten with the butts of machine guns.

“Despite a significant drop in temperature, the Polish military undressed the already exhausted refugees, took away their shoes and threw them in a fainting state through the animal gate to the territory of Belarus. After staying in democratic Europe, only two foreigners survived,” the press service noted.

Belarusian border guards provided first aid to the foreigners and called an ambulance. An investigative task force also arrived at the scene.

The State Border Committee stressed that Poland’s migration policy has already killed five refugees since January 2024. In total, since 2021, 57 deaths of foreigners have been recorded on the Belarus-EU border, who were forced to leave their homes and go in search of better living conditions.

“While international organisations keep silence about what is happening on the border of the EU, the European authorities are creating new conditions to hide their own crimes. Poland extended the buffer zone in September, still enabling Polish border guards to kill refugees and get rid of them without prying eyes,” the State Border Committee added.