Posted: 21.09.2023 16:27:00

Shoigu: Russia-Iran co-operation reaching new level

The interaction between Moscow and Tehran is reaching a new level, the dialogue between Russia and Iran is developing especially intensively – as stated by Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, TASS reports


"We are aimed at implementing the entire range of planned activities, despite the opposition from the United States and its Western allies. The sanctions pressure on Russia and Iran shows its futility, while Russian-Iranian co-operation is reaching a new level," Mr. Shoigu said at talks with the Minister of Defence and Support of the Armed Forces of Iran, Mohammad Reza Ashtiani.

At the same time, the Russian Defence Minister declared readiness ‘for further joint actions in the field of strengthening stability and security in the Middle East’. “We are pleased to note that the Russian-Iranian dialogue is developing particularly intensively today," he said.

According to Mr. Shoigu, this is largely due to the trusting relations that have developed between the leaders of Russia and Iran. "The high dynamics of the meetings confirms the general mood to further strengthen the strategic partnership in the defence sector and military co-operation," he stressed.

The Russian Defence Minister invited his colleague to discuss a number of issues of mutual interest during the negotiations.