Posted: 08.07.2024 17:43:00

SCO media representatives arrived in Belarus for press tour

Until July 13th, media representatives of leading TV channels, agencies, newspapers, and media corporations of Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, China and Russia will be getting acquainted with Belarus

As reported by the Information Ministry, the campaign – organised by the Information Ministry together with the Foreign Ministry – is timed to coincide with Belarus’ accession to the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation.

“The event aims to popularise and further promote Belarusian scientific, technical and cultural achievements of our time to a foreign audience,” the source said.

A rich programme has been prepared for the guests, including visits to a number of enterprises: BELAZ, MTZ, and Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations. The media representatives will be able to get acquainted with medical, scientific, educational organisations, as well as patriotic facilities. For example, on July 10th, they will visit the Khatyn State Memorial Complex and, on the last day of their stay, journalists will enjoy the 33rd Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk International Festival of Arts.