Posted: 19.07.2024 10:39:00

Ryzhenkov explains what interests Poland and Lithuania pursue in Belarus

In his talk with the ONT TV channel, Belarus’ Foreign Minister Maksim Ryzhenkov explained what interests Poland and Lithuania pursue in Belarus, BelTA reports

ONT video screenshot

“Poland and Lithuania disliked or dislike the policies of our President and our Government. They thought and continue to think that some other government, another president, would be more appeaseable in terms of Poland and Lithuania realising their interests. What are these interests? Of course, Poland wants to be more active in the western regions of Belarus, as well as in Ukraine. To this day, many people consider it their ‘Kresy Wschodnie’ (eastern territories) with lost property, lands, buildings, etc. Of course, they want to play the main economic ‘violin’ with us. They want the economic expansion of the European Union to go through Poland, which envisages completely different money and completely different resources. The most important thing for Lithuania is to kill in Belarus any rudiments of any identification of these southern regions of Lithuania with the Belarusian national idea, called ‘Litvinism’ by the fugitives,” the Foreign Minister noted.

Poland and Lithuania planned to realise their plans with the help of the fugitives. However, the plans failed, and today these fugitives are becoming a burden for Poland and Lithuania.

“Why to spend money on all this pack at all, if their work does not lead to anything good in relations between countries? We all already understand that they will not come anywhere, they will not sit anywhere and they will not give anything to these countries. Anyway, Lithuania and Polish authorities will have to sit down and negotiate with the current government here and with President Aleksandr Lukashenko. Therefore, today they [fugitives] are more and more a suitcase without a handle, and then this handle will also be thrown out,” Maksim Ryzhenkov is convinced.