Private investments in Great Stone Park development exceeds budget costs 8-fold
The contribution of private investment to the development of China-Belarus Great Stone Industrial Park exceeds the budget costs (spent for its development) eightfold – as reported by the Economy Ministry’s press service
During 2023, twenty-three new companies have joined the Park with a declared investment volume of $117m. The total number of residents has reached 118 enterprises with plans to invest over $1.4bn and create 14,000 new jobs.
About 80 percent of the projects being implemented relate to the production of V and VI technological structures, confirming their innovativeness and high technology. The efficiency of the Great Stone residents is also proven by the growth of key performance indicators.
Over nine months of this year, the volume of taxes, fees and payments paid by Park’s residents more than doubled, the volume of production rose 1.4-fold, FDI on a net basis increased 1.2-fold, exports of goods expanded 1.1-fold, and revenue boosted 1.5-fold.