Original cultural values returning to Belarus
The Foreign Ministry hosted a final meeting of the commission on identification, return, sharing and introduction into scientific and cultural circulation of cultural values that are currently kept outside Belarus – as informed by the Culture Ministry in its Telegram channel
photo by Belarus' Culture Ministry
Belarus’ Deputy Culture Minister, Sergei Sarakach, reported on the results of the activities of cultural institutions in 2021-2022 dealing with the return of cultural values of Belarusian origin.
According to the official, over the past two years, 24 original cultural values, 1,414 electronic copies and 777 digital copies, including archival documents, books, photographs and works of art, have been returned to Belarus.
Mr. Sarakach added that the returned items and their copies joined the Belarusian museum expositions
A work plan for 2023 was also approved by the meeting participants.