Posted: 10.10.2023 11:16:00

Opinion: some countries say no word when it comes to events that affect interests of the West

In his talk with Alfa Radio, the Adviser-Envoy of the Embassy of Belarus in Russia, Aleksandr Shpakovsky, reasoned why China is seeking a fair investigation of the Nord Stream explosions, and what the openness of Western countries really means

The radio programme host, Vadim Shepet, recalled China's calls for a fair investigation of the Nord Stream explosions. Acting purposefully, calmly and deliberately, China wants to achieve a professional study of these terrorist attacks. As noted by its Foreign Ministry, it is strange that countries positioning themselves as ‘open and transparent’ say virtually nothing about the terrorist attack on gas pipelines.

“The countries demonstrate openness and transparency only when it comes to events in Russia, Belarus or China. In other cases, if we are talking about events that directly affect the interests of Western civilisation and specifically Washington, these states prefer to remain shyly silent. However, the situation is that China is demanding an investigation of the Nord Stream explosions, and this country has become a beneficiary from the economic point of view: Russian gas is now being sent to China at fairly loyal prices. Pumping will increase, and volumes of Russian gas for China will continue growing from year to year. Actually, China is guided here not only by pragmatic and economic interests: it also acts as a defender of the norms of international law and generally accepted rules that helped the planet – despite the circumstances of fierce competition during the Cold War – not to slide into WWIII, to which we are now close,” Mr. Shpakovsky noted.

The expert called the Nord Stream explosions an unprecedented act of international terrorism. Nevertheless, a conspiracy of silence accompanies this terrorist attack, although Germany – not Russia – has actually become its main victim.

“However, Germany says no word and shyly avoids any communication when it comes to the need for an objective comprehensive investigation based on a traditional question of all lawyers in all times: who benefited, who had a motive? The circle of suspects will narrow down very quickly, and it will not be difficult to establish, especially taking into account modern space technologies, who was the organiser of that act of international terrorism. To do this, the political will is needed, but we understand that the collective West, the United States, which still has a significant degree of influence on planetary politics, will torpedo this investigation in every possible way,” the expert added.

According to Mr. Shpakovsky, it is pleasing that another strong political pole, China, is emerging; it can unite the states that insist that the world order be based on rules that they will define together, and not on American rules defined by Washington's financial circles. “The world based on American rules is clearly leading humanity to a dead end,” he stressed.