Posted: 07.10.2024 09:43:00

MP on who wants the war in Ukraine to continue and who makes money on it

Only those who are making money on people’s grief wish the conflict in Ukraine to continue – as stated by Oleg Gaidukevich, the Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on International Affairs of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus, in his talk with Alfa Radio

“Everyone is tired of Ukraine, and only the forces that are earning money as a result of this war are an exception. They are in the White House, and the financial flows into their pockets are stable. Would Americans get tired of this in such a situation? The US military plans that the conflict in Ukraine will last at least until 2026. After all, the United States does not want the war to stop. They have already calculated how much they will earn over the next three years of hostilities. They do not need peace,” Mr. Gaidukevich explained.

The MP added, “Some individuals are also benefitting from the military conflict. For example, Zelenskyy, Klitschko and their children – who are buying cars and mansions – feel great. In turn, long-suffering Ukrainians want peace. Belarusians advocate a peaceful settlement of the conflict. Russians, who have never wanted a military conflict, are also calling for negotiations on equal terms. Europeans have also got tired of endlessly sponsoring the Kiev regime.”