Posted: 09.07.2024 17:00:00

MP on Belarus’ initiative to form multipolarity: we always advocated just world order

As stated by President Vladimir Putin, Russia supports Belarus' foreign policy initiative to form a multipolar world, and Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on International Affairs of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly Oleg Gaidukevich explained why such a small country as Belarus focuses on global issues

In his talk with Alfa Radio, the MP commented on why Belarus stands for a multipolar world, “We are a sovereign country, and this is our most important asset. We are independent, so we think about the right things. Look at Lithuania, for example: it is not independent, so its president thinks about the war all the time. He wants to fight, get on a tank and shoot; he actually wants to destroy his country. We live in Europe, we do not need a war here that will affect us as well. That is why we want everything to be nice and peaceful. Our country experienced wars in the past, and it lost so many people. Our great-grandfathers and grandfathers contributed much to peace. Shouldn't we rebuild this legacy? By the way, this is not our first initiative. I recall the President's words about Helsinki long before the conflict in Ukraine. He [Aleksandr Lukashenko] foresaw what was going to happen, he predicted where the world was heading. The President also saw that in 1999, when Yugoslavia was bombed; he was not afraid to go there then. Coming off the plane then, he said that the international law was being destroyed. He saw that when they were invading Iraq, when they tortured and killed Gaddafi. At that moment, half the world was silent, but he continued to say: ‘What are you doing? You will get it all back later’. That is why we have always advocated a multipolar, just world, which should be guided by the law. We need nothing more – neither the territories of others, nor the resources. We have never stolen anything from anyone. We are not thieves like the West. We are creators,” Mr. Gaidukevich stated.