Posted: 07.08.2023 11:13:00

Media: by 2070, Italy’s population may decrease by a quarter

Demographic winter may come in Italy, since the country's population may decrease to 47.2m from the current 59m people by 2070, Le Monde reports


It is noted that the demographic future of the country looks bleak. There is a possibility that the population of Italy will decrease by a quarter in the coming decades.

The Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, said that everything necessary should be done to increase the birth rate. According to her, the country’s demographic policy should be reviewed, since a decrease in the population has been registered annually since 1993.

It is also reported that general assemblies on fertility issues have recently been held in Italy, featuring representatives of political, economic, trade union and religious circles. At the same time, the results of these meetings are always the same: the population is aging, and it will soon become impossible to finance all pensioners.