Posted: 12.10.2024 13:00:00

Lukashenko: young and sovereign Belarus managed to cope on its own with consequences of Chernobyl disaster

Our young and sovereign republic has managed to cope with the consequences of the universal man-made disaster – the Chernobyl catastrophe – practically without outside help, President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko stated during today’s solemn ceremony of honouring farmers at the Dazhynki-2024 festival-fair in Korma, Gomel Region

The Head of State recalled that Belarus managed to cope on its own with the consequences of the universal man-made disaster — the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant – and everything has been done in the country not to abandon people.

“The choice turned out to be absolutely correct. This was the first and very brave step – as we can see from the present-day position. This was a step towards the revival of our lands. We involved scientists and found ways to receive clean products through experiments in practice. This was the beginning of our path to the revival of agriculture in the so-called contaminated areas,” the Belarusian leader noted.

According to the President, in order to finally return the region to normal life, settlements were provided with gas supply, new jobs were created, schools, hospitals, and cultural centres were brought into order.

“The tremendous work has been done. Six large-scale state programmes have been implemented, as part of which, over $23bn of budgetary funds and about the same amount of extra-budgetary funds have been allocated to eliminate the consequences of the accident over the years,” Aleksandr Lukashenko underlined.

About a million hectares of lands were returned to agricultural use, and another half a million hectares were returned to the forest fund.

“Just think: our young and sovereign republic has managed to cope with the consequences of the universal man-made disaster practically without outside assistance, with its own hands and mind, combining science and practice, worldly wisdom and knowledge,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stated.