Posted: 09.09.2024 12:41:00

Lukashenko: whether we want it or not, multipolar world will take place

President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko held a meeting with Vietnamese Minister of Public Security Luong Tam Quang. Welcoming the guest, the Head of State first of all congratulated him and the entire Vietnamese people on the recent great holiday: Independence Day.

“The Vietnamese have earned this holiday with sweat and blood. They were struggling for it. Vietnam is a rapidly developing country both in Asia and the entire world. Vietnam and Belarus have established very warm and friendly relations. Our friendship with the Vietnamese people is based on the heroic pages of the struggle of the Vietnamese people for their independence after WWII,” the President noted.

Aleksandr Lukashenko drew attention to the fact that during the Soviet era, our compatriots helped Vietnam both in the war and after the war to restore the national economy.

The President of Belarus recalled that an important political event had recently taken place in Vietnam: the new President, General Secretary of Vietnam’s Communist Party To Lam, was elected.

Addressing Luong Tam Quang, Aleksandr Lukashenko said, “I ask you once again to convey my warmest congratulations to him and an invitation to visit Belarus at any time convenient for him.”

According to the Head of State, Belarus and Vietnam share similar views on the development of international relations.

“We stand for a multipolar world. Whether we want it or not, a multipolar world will take place. In this regard, security issues come to the forefront in this highly changing, very complex, and ambiguous world,” the President of Belarus underlined.

The Belarusian leader expressed hope that Luong Tam Quang’s visit to our country will contribute to strengthening relations in the field of security.

“As before, we are committed to very good areas of co-operation between Belarus and Vietnam. It all depends on the Vietnamese side. We will be as active in our relations as the Vietnamese leadership can afford,” the Head of State stressed.

In turn, Luong Tam Quang thanked the President for the meeting and noted that the Vietnamese delegation’s current visit to Belarus is an incentive for deepening friendly relations between the states, as well as between the law enforcement agencies of the two countries. The guest called this visit very significant, especially after his appointment to the post of Vietnam’s Minister of Public Security.
