Posted: 15.10.2024 12:28:00

Lukashenko on support of large families: there should be no helicopter money, it is to cover directly children’s needs

Large families will continue to be supported in Belarus, but all allocated money should reach children – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko as he was being reported on the improvement of social support for the population


The Head of State has discussed the improvement of social support for the population with Deputy Prime Minister Igor Petrishenko, Deputy Head of the President Administration Aleksandr Yegorov, Minister of Labor and Social Protection Natalia Pavlyuchenko, Finance Minister Yuri Seliverstov, and Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions Yuri Senko.

The support of women with many children was among the topical issues on the agenda of today’s meeting, and the Belarusian leader warned those present that this problem needs to be tackled reasonably. “We will definitely continue supporting women who give birth to children, especially those who have five or more children. As I said earlier, we will solve the accommodation related issues for sure, since it is of primary importance. We are also resolving the issue of family capital,” Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.

In general, very serious decisions have been made across the country, so the Head of State directed to act carefully, with view on the economic situation. “There should be no helicopter money,” he stressed.

Aleksandr Lukashenko added, “The money must reach children. It is actually no need to hide our heads under the sand: there are still many families who should not be given money into their hands at all, because it will be wasted in a couple of days on alcohol, to be honest. Therefore, we need to establish control over certain families in this regard. You know my position: we should support those who need this support. In turn, those who must work and earn by themselves should definitely do this. Otherwise, there will be social parasitism.”

The President also gave an example of how the issue of migration policy is being raised very seriously in the West. It emerged because Germany once invited migrants to its market and spent much money to support those people. “It has come to senses now, but it is hardly possible to turn the situation back in such a powerful country as Germany. Moreover, certain politicians lack willpower. Therefore, we should not drive ourselves into this trap. This should in no case happen. Those who need help should receive it, but the money is to reach the ones we support,” he stressed.

The Belarusian leader demanded to carefully assess whether the state can provide certain assistance, and also take into account the challenging situation the country faces now.