Posted: 10.01.2023 17:42:00

Lukashenko: national statehood was born and has been developing on the values created by Belarusian people

A traditional ceremony to present the Spiritual Revival awards, special prizes to art luminaries, and the Belarusian Sports Olympus awards held at the Palace of the Republic, with President Aleksandr Lukashenko in attendance


“This evening is a continuation of the brightest, the most family and beautiful Christmas holiday. The awards – presented annually on these winter days – are a tribute to our time-honoured traditions that connect epochs and generations. This is a tribute to the spiritual power of Belarusians: wise, hardworking, loving their native land and cherishing their ancestors,” the Head of State addressed those present.

Aleksandr Lukashenko recalled what this beautiful tradition began with, “More than a quarter of a century ago, we honoured first laureates of our For Spiritual Revival award, and we could hardly imagine then what challenges we would face in the struggle for our spirituality, our historical heritage and our way of life. We had no idea of how relevant the tradition of rewarding people – who have devoted themselves to such a noble matter as preservation of our spiritual roots – would be. However, we always knew – and we are keenly aware of this at present – that all the tangible and intangible values created by the Belarusian people are the staples upon which our national statehood was born and has been developing.”


“They [are kept] in the works of the first enlighteners of the Belarusian land, in churches, palaces and museums built by our architects, in masterpieces of music, painting, poetry and prose created by our talented countrymen. They are in the exploits of the victor-nation that has brought us peace, independence, and the right to live; [they are in the exploits] of the toiler-nation that has revived its native land scorched by the fire of war. We see them in Orthodoxy, which united the Slavs into an ancient state more than a thousand years ago, taught mercy, peacefulness and love for those who are close to us,” the President stressed.
