Posted: 01.06.2023 13:08:00

Lukashenko: military-political situation around CIS aggravating

During his today’s meeting with participants of the 52nd meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of Security Agencies and Special Services, President Aleksandr Lukashenko focused on the main trends of the international security situation


The Head of State outlined the relevance of the topic on the agenda, “The military-political situation around the CIS is becoming increasingly acute. It will continue to escalate. Major players around us – Russia, Belarus, Central Asian states – will try to pull us apart slowly, doing this in good and bad ways. We should not allow this, and it is my iron point of view. I have a gut feeling; after all, this is not my first year as President. We observe the increasing militarisation of the NATO bloc countries and the unprecedented concentration of troops near our common territory, as well as the incitement of religious and armed conflicts.”

The Head of State mentioned Poland as an example, “It has sent all cheapies to Ukraine, including artillery and aircraft. Americans are now pumping weapons there. They have identified Poland as the main pillar of NATO in Europe. Fortunately (I do not want to be happy about it, but there is nothing to be sad about), problems arise not only on our borders with Poland. They already have a strong clash with Germany. Poles, having no reason to do so, start acting like an elephant in a china shop. These are their problems, after all.”

According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, the already powerful political and economic pressure from the United States and the EU is intensifying, and undisguised attempts to limit the scientific and technological development of our countries continue, “At the same time, the collective West uses international law as an instrument of pressure on us, and when it is unprofitable, they completely ignore this international law. Actually, there is practically no longer this law now.”    

As noted by the Belarusian leader, even greater contradictions are emerging between the United States and the European Union, “Americans are trying to use the European Union not only in the war in Ukraine (they have already taken it to the cleaners), but also in the confrontation with China. The trade turnover between China and the EU is enormous, and everyone there understands that the rupture the EU-China relations will lead to even more serious economic consequences in Europe.”