Posted: 12.09.2024 09:17:00

Lukashenko congratulated employees and veterans of preliminary investigation bodies on professional holiday

President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has congratulated employees and veterans of the preliminary investigation bodies on their professional holiday, reports with reference to the Belarusian leader’s press service

"Time has proved the correctness of the decision to establish the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, which effective activities in the field of pre-trial criminal proceedings have provided an integrated approach to combating crime, protecting the constitutional order, the rights and legitimate interests of every citizen and society as a whole," the congratulatory message reads.

The Head of State noted that the employees of the preliminary investigation bodies strengthen the trust in law enforcement agencies and institutions through their daily work, as they investigate criminal cases carefully and objectively, being aware that each of them is related to a human destiny.

"I am convinced that your devotion to the Motherland, loyalty to the oath, professionalism and exactingness will allow you to continue to solve all tasks at the proper level, fully ensuring the principles of the inevitability of punishment and the rule of law," Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

The President wished the employees and veterans of the preliminary investigation bodies, their families, relatives and friends good health, happiness, well-being and success in their work for the benefit of Belarus.