Green economy development in Belarus continues
In line with the Council of Ministers’ resolution, the Government has approved a national action plan for green economy development in Belarus in 2021-2025 – as reported by the National Legal Internet Portal
Over the past three decades, the green economy has not only taken a central place on the global agenda but also acts as an active driver of economic growth, while contributing to achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.
The strategic goal of the Belarusian action plan envisages development of the inclusive, smart, digital green economy which will promote economic growth. Its development in the country is based on the principles of sustainable development, inclusiveness, innovation, scientificality, eco-efficiency and sufficiency, resource conservation, waste management as resources, increase of competitiveness and strengthening its positions in world markets, taking into account global trends in greening, transparency, international co-operation and responsibility.
As noted, the national plan is designed to form a set of measures in priority areas in accordance with the main provisions of the programme of Belarus’ social and economic development in 2021-2025, including promotion of green economic growth in conditions of preserving natural capital and increasing employment by creating green jobs.
Among Belarus’ priorities are introduction of the principles of sustainable consumption and production, development of a closed-cycle economy (circular economy), production of organic products, eco-tourism and agro-ecotourism, formation of smart and energy-efficient cities, development of electric transport (infrastructure), and urban mobility. The list also includes mitigation of the effects of climate change and adaptation to climate change, conservation and sustainable use of biological and landscape diversity, development of green finance, education, training and social engagement, scientific support for transition to the green economy.
The document outlines the measures aimed at implementation of the national plan: development of environmental certification and eco-labelling, preparation of legislation in the field of chemicals management in terms of limiting the use of oxo-plastics and microplastics, promotion of green marketing strategies in the field of sustainable production among Belarusian organisations. Creation of an online platform to inform businesses about the best practices regarding implementation of the principles of the circular economy is also planned.
In addition, legislation on waste management, as well as in the field of production and circulation of organic products will be polished. Enhancement of comfort and safety of living conditions with a gradual transition to landscape-estate urbanisation, creation and development of networks of new type settlements and charging stations for electric transport, implementation of the cycling development concept are also envisaged by the action plan.
According to the document, a strategy for long-term development of Belarus with low greenhouse gas emissions until 2050 will be developed, and a mechanism for voluntary environmental insurance will be introduced. A system of green public procurement is to be developed further.