Posted: 09.12.2023 18:00:00

Foreign Minister of Equatorial Guinea: we’ll be able to achieve Sustainable Development Goals with Belarus’ assistance

With Belarus’ assistance, Equatorial Guinea will be able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals – as noted by Equatorial Guinea’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Co-operation and Diaspora, Simeon Oyono Esono Angue, in Malabo, BelTA reports


Answering the question about how the countries managed to make significant progress in the development of co-operation within just six months, the Foreign Minister said, “This is the need to meet the challenges of the present time. Actually, the global situation today is such that we need to co-operate very quickly and together. It is impossible to cope alone. With the assistance of Belarus, we will be able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals set for us by the country's leadership. That is why, within six months, Belarus has become a privileged partner of Equatorial Guinea in co-operation. We will continue this close interaction for the benefit of both states."

Simeon Oyono Esono Angue expressed gratitude to the Belarusian side for the official visit of the President to Malabo. "This visit will significantly strengthen co-operation between our countries in various fields, and are primarily talking about healthcare and infrastructure projects,” he said. “A number of bilateral documents have been prepared for signing. Fifteen of them will be signed, including in such areas as industry, security, and agriculture."

The Foreign Minister also said that an extensive meeting had been earlier held in Malabo, together with his Belarusian counterpart Sergei Aleinik and with the participation of heads of other ministries and departments from both sides. A wide range of issues of mutual interest were discussed.