Posted: 03.11.2023 14:26:00

Fallico: Verona Forum to promote the development of multilateral economic co-operation

The Verona Eurasian Economic Forum will continue to promote the development of multilateral economic, social and cultural co-operation. At the same time, it is necessary to put people at the forefront as the main goal of the economy – as stated by Professor Antonio Fallico, the President of Conoscere Eurasia Association, during the 16th Verona Eurasian Economic Forum in Samarkand (Uzbekistan).

“It was not by chance that we chose Uzbekistan to host the 16th Verona Eurasian Economic Forum, proposing to discuss the acute – in our opinion topic – Eurasia in a Changing World: Agenda for Co-operation. The choice of Uzbekistan to host the event seemed quite logical to us. In recent years, this country with a rich history has become the driving force behind wise international economic policies that give preference to economic and cultural diplomacy,” the Italian expert said.

Antonio Fallico expressed hope that the current two-day meeting in Samarkand – bringing together several hundred entrepreneurs, politicians, cultural figures, journalists, analysts and experts from about 40 countries – will contribute to business and multicultural dialogue.

“The last forum, held last year in Azerbaijan’s Baku, was a significant step forward and the fruit of the work of previous years. We’ll continue to promote the development of multilateral economic, social and cultural co-operation in Samarkand – one of the main cities of the Eurasian macro-region. At the same time, it is necessary to put people at the forefront as the main goal of the economy. Greater Eurasia, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific, boasts enormous potential, and the task of the forum is to put this potential at the service of creative and peaceful economic and cultural development, overcoming hegemonic logic and building bridges for the development of constructive dialogue between the current players of the geopolitical blocs dominating the world arena,” said the President of Conoscere Eurasia Association.

The Italian Professor drew attention to the fact that the Republic of Uzbekistan – with a population of over 36 million people and an average age of less than 35 years – is the most populous state in Central Asia and the second largest economy in a young and viable region with a population of 77 million people. Moreover, Samarkand is a twin city of Italian Florence.

The Verona Forum provides a good opportunity to establish new contacts between entrepreneurs from different countries and regions, expanding co-operation across various industries. As part of this large-scale meeting, B2B contacts, initiatives to promote new projects and various cultural events are organised. The forum is held under the Economy of Trust and Business Diplomacy from the Atlantic to the Pacific motto, and is organised by Italy’s Conoscere Eurasia Association with the assistance of the Uzbek Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade.

The Verona Eurasian Economic Forum is already a well-known platform for communication between politicians, experts, diplomats, heads of major companies and journalists from the West and the East. It took place in Verona (Italy) for 14 years, and was held there even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, geopolitical realities forced the organisers to change the location. In 2022, the Verona Forum was held for the first time not in Italy, but in Azerbaijan’s Baku. This year the forum is hosted by Uzbekistan.

On the first day of event, discussions were held on new mechanisms of trade-investment and technological co-operation in a new international context; prospects for the development of raw materials and energy markets in modern conditions; the reorganisation of logistics and transport routes given the changing global realities; markets for financial and banking services in a changing global context; and ensuring the development of the agricultural sector and world food security. Moreover, a special session – Oasis of Co-operation in the Centre of Eurasia: the Role of Uzbekistan in the Development of International Economic Relations – also took place.

The N.I.C.E. film festival of new Italian cinema – which has been introducing the novelties of Italian cinema to people all around the world for more than three decades – was organised as part of the cultural programme, while popular Italian performers performed at the Stars of Sanremo concert. In addition, an exhibition of ceramics from the twin-cities of Florence and Samarkand was also held.