Posted: 20.12.2024 14:00:00

Expert on West’s attempts to rehabilitate Nazism

The UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution proposed by Russia and Belarus on combating the glorification of Nazism. The initiative was broadly supported by the international community: 119 UN member states voted for. At the same time, 53 countries were against, and among them were Ukraine, the United States, Germany, France, Japan, and others. A deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, Director General of the National Library Vadim Gigin, was actually not surprised by this fact, commenting simply, “Just half a hundred neo-Nazis.”

“If you oppose the condemnation of neo-Nazism, if you advocate the rehabilitation of Nazism, then you actually join the neo-Nazis who are trying to raise the swastika and promote this ‘brown’ idea,” the MP said in his talk with Alfa Radio. “What is the reasoning of these countries? They say we are using the fight against Nazism for propaganda purposes, but what's wrong about that? We are fighting Nazism! They say we are substituting narratives, but what narratives they are talking about? Are we demolishing monuments? Are we denying the Victory? What are we doing wrong? Next year we are going to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory. Join us! Do it better than us! Do you think that we are fighting neo-Nazism incorrectly? Maybe it's better seen from the outside – so fight better!”

Mr. Gigin gave a glaring example, mentioning the Azov militants. These people are called ‘defenders of Azovstal’ by the West, and the MP commented, “They all have SS swastika tattoos! Meanwhile, representatives of the Russian-language BBC service say they cannot find evidence of the neo-Nazi ideology of Azov. Actually, the Armed Forces of Ukraine has a cult of neo-Nazi ideology! We know what is developing among the security forces in Poland and Lithuania, who terrorise refugees: they kill, torture and abuse, including children and the elderly. We know what the ideology is there. It is xenophobic!”

“Are you, Westerners, doing something to eradicate this? Are you unveiling monuments or memorialising the joint feat of our ancestors who liberated the world from Nazism? Nothing of this is being done! On the contrary, discrediting is in full swing,” Mr. Gigin continued. “They talk about Yalta and Potsdam from a negative perspective, but do you know what the Yalta Conference was? It not only agreed on the structure of the world: it made it possible for us to avoid a major war in Europe for several decades. True, it took into account the interests of the Soviet Union, but what did the West want?”

The refusal to support the resolution of Russia and Belarus at the UN is actually a justification for neo-Nazi revanchism. Mr. Gigin explained, “Such actions open the way for fascist elements in the countries that voted against the UN resolution. They think they are fighting us, but in reality, they are just opening a Pandora's box, and these actions will come back to them in a few generations.”