Posted: 30.09.2024 13:00:00

Expert on Russia’s nuclear doctrine: Belarus receives additional guarantee of protection from aggression

Close relations within the Union State give our country many advantages, and joining efforts in terms of security is one of them – as noted by Oleg Romanov, the Deputy Chairman of the Standing Commission on Human Rights, National Relations and Mass Media of the House of Representatives and leader of Belaya Rus party

The recent statements of the Russian leadership sounded very clear and unambiguous. Strikes on the territory of Russia and Belarus, including by non-nuclear forces, or an attack on the territory of the Union State by countries that do not possess nuclear weapons, but in co-operation with countries that possess nuclear weapons, will be considered as aggression against our sovereignty. These actions give rise to the right to use Russian nuclear weapons.

“Firstly, in this context, the most important thing for us is that Belarus receives an additional guarantee of protection from aggression and unlawful invasion of its territory,” Mr. Romanov believes. “Secondly, by clarifying the nuclear doctrine, Russia increases its own security ad that of the Union State. Importantly, this is done by prior agreement with the President of Belarus.”

Thirdly, according to the deputy, legislative gaps are being closed in the context of the transition to the use of nuclear weapons. Russia can take this step already if it receives information about the upcoming mass attacks using non-nuclear weapons, which can cause serious damage to the country’s defensive potential.

“An important aspect: who needs to pay special attention to the statements of the Russian leadership? Not only the Anglo-Saxon powers: the UK and the US. To a greater extent, these words should be heard by the pseudo-allies of the West – the Baltic States and Poland – which are now actively involved in the bloody adventure in Ukraine. They are major logistics hubs and suppliers of weapons for war. At the same time, the politicians of these countries are louder than others in promoting sanctions and advocating an increase in tension in our region. This causes damage, often completely unacceptable, to the interests of the Russian Federation and the Union State. In this context, it is the Baltic States and Poland that should understand: if necessary, they will become the primary targets for a nuclear attack,” Mr. Romanov concluded.