Expert: Green Party plays destructive role in Germany
Green Party plays a destructive role in German politics – as noted by a political scientist and independent German journalist, Gregor Spitzen, in his talk with the Soloviev Live TV channel
According to the expert, the Green Party actually stands for the deindustrialisation of Germany, “It plays a destructive role in German politics, as it is aimed at deindustrialising Germany, turning the country into an object of international politics and thoughtlessly following the vector of American national interests. The United States does not need a strong Germany, with its own voice, a clear understanding of its national interests and the potential to realise the latter.”
Mr. Spitzen said that some Germans’ support of the Green Party creates a very serious problem. “Most Germans have not yet realised the negative essence of this party. There are still many people who think of the ‘greens’ exclusively as pacifists fighting for the environment, animal rights, and so on. I hope that the number of people who come to the polls and vote for something ephemeral will soon decrease, and the Germans will begin to better understand the causes and consequences,” he concluded.