Posted: 02.10.2024 15:17:00

Expert: Europe should be grateful to Lukashenko, Putin for their restraint

Western countries continue to create tension on the western borders of the Union State in order to provoke an armed incident and create a pretext for aggression against Belarus and Russia, and Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on International Affairs of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Oleg Gaidukevich commented on the issue

“The United States has set itself a specific task,” the expert noted. “As it believes, the country has three competitors: China, Russia and the European Union. The US pretends to be a friend to the latter. In order to weaken the EU, Americans unleashed wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. It would seem that there is no connection between Europe and the Middle East, but – by seizing the oil of the Middle East, by selling weapons there and generating huge profits on such transactions – the United States has contributed to a flow of millions of migrants to Europe, thus weakening its economy. The war in Ukraine should also be mentioned in this regard. By forcing the European Union to agree to undermine the Nord Stream (that was done by Americans, not by Ukrainians), the United States thereby made Europe drop to the abysmal level. The European Union had to agree to that and began to buy expensive resources from the United States or to outbid Russian gas and oil through intermediaries. Actually, their ‘green’ economy is a fiction, it’s a myth for fools.”

According to Mr. Gaidukevich, sanctions against Russia and Belarus have negatively influenced the European Union. “What have they led to?” he wondered. “The result is, for example, the reduction of goods that Europe buys from China. Americans are happy, that's all they wanted – but this is not enough. They want to expand the geography of the conflict in Ukraine, to drag new countries into it, but to do this in a way so that a rocket does not accidentally attack the US, so that they do not become direct participants in this conflict. They will be satisfied if Europe goes to war. Therefore, we should explain to Europeans that the talk is not only about how to involve Belarus into the war now.”

The migration crisis on the Belarusian-Polish border is being created to justify the deployment of additional NATO military contingents in the region and the construction of military facilities. The Union State does not succumb to provocations and carries out border protection in an enhanced mode.

“At a time when we are being provoked by Poles, Ukrainians, NATO, when we behave competently, defend the Union State borders and do everything not to unleash a military conflict, they must understand that attempts are being made not just to involve Belarus in this conflict: if Belarus is dragged into it, then Poland, Lithuania, France, Germany and Austria will follow – and the whole of Europe will be on fire,” the MP added.

There is an increasing danger that NATO countries will use the Ukrainian troops and radical formations deployed on the border with Belarus for armed provocation against the Union State. Given the growing danger on the western borders of Belarus and Russia, it is necessary to continue co-ordinating efforts to prepare for the prevention of possible threats. The development of a single strategic document in the field of security of the Union State is being completed.

“Americans should know that they will not be able to survive somewhere on an island: if they start such a war, missiles will reach them,” Mr. Gaidukevich said. “We do not want that, we do not want a war. Europe should be grateful to Lukashenko and Putin now for their restraint, for their understanding of where they want to drag us all into, for our daily actions aimed to avoid such a conflict.”

2bn Russian Roubles will be allocated from the Union State budget as part of a programme to improve measures to ensure border security of the Union State. 4bn Russian Roubles will be allocated until 2027 to improve the infrastructure and logistics of the joint military group on the territory of Belarus.

According to the expert, Europeans are deliberately launching drones through Belarus, trying to provoke the republic into some kind of action. The same situation happened in the Kursk Region: that was just an attempt to provoke Russia into the most powerful strikes.

"At the same time, Americans know perfectly well that Russia and Belarus cannot be defeated militarily," Mr. Gaidukevich stressed. “Their goal is not victory, their goal is to create chaos in Europe so that it is weak. Remember our President's interview with a Russian journalist, he said then correctly that Americans want everyone to bite and strangle each other, while they are printing Dollars and sending missiles allegedly with an aim to resolve the conflict.” reference

Poland has signed a deal with the United States for the supply of several hundred medium-range AMRAAM missiles worth $850m.

The construction of army barracks near the border with Belarus has begun in Lithuania. About 4,000 German soldiers are planned to be stationed there by 2027. It will be Germany's first permanent foreign military base since World War II.

Ukraine regularly conducts military exercises dangerously close to the borders with Belarus. Military personnel are trained in armed operations using unmanned aircraft, creation of explosive engineering barriers, as well as sabotage activities.