Posted: 04.08.2023 13:04:00

EAEU, China plan to develop industrial co-operation

The Eurasian Economic Union member states and China are ready to deepen co-operation in industry – as reported by the Eurasian Economic Commission’s press service after the talks between Artak Kamalyan, Member of the Board – Minister in charge of Industry and Agroindustrial Complex of the EEC, and Zhang Hanhui, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Russian Federation


During the talks, the parties discussed a range of issues related to establishing interaction and expanding areas of collaboration, holding joint exhibitions, international thematic forums, sharing experience on issues related to the implementation of industrial restructuring, mechanisms for stimulating innovations in this area.

“Our countries are determined to further develop liaisons with the People’s Republic of China, both in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative and its integration with the EAEU, and within the framework of the implementation of the current agreement on trade-economic co-operation between the EAEU member states and China. To speed up the effectiveness of interaction, we consider it important to consider the issue of creating a dialogue mechanism that will help in the development of possible joint industrial projects,” Artak Kamalyan noted.

He drew attention to the importance of establishing a direct dialogue between the EEC and the authorised bodies of the EAEU countries with the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for planning and implementing clear algorithms for joint work. Zhang Hanhui welcomed the EEC Minister’s initiative.

The sides agreed that the EAEU countries and China should focus on deepening co-operation in the chemical, woodworking, metallurgy, machine building, automotive, building materials, and hydrogen energy industries. Artak Kamalyan proposed to consider the possibility of transferring advanced technologies and innovations, which may include sharing of experience in the development of the digital industry, chemical production, mechanical engineering, etc.

To implement the agreements reached, the first step will be holding consultations between representatives of the EEC, the EAEU member states and the interested authorised bodies of the PRC, enabling to reach a new level of interaction necessary to solve the problems of creating new production chains and stimulating innovations in the industry by the EAEU countries and China.