Posted: 18.10.2024 10:04:00

Chairman of House of Representatives: world faces severe military-political crisis for the first time in post-war period

For the first time in the post-war period, the world faces a period of a severe military and political crisis – as stated by the Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, Igor Sergeyenko, as he visited Belarus’ major multifunctional enterprise of the petrochemical complex: SvetlogorskKhimvolokno JSC

“Several hot zones are on the verge of a new world war at present. The situation developing with regard to the special military operation in Ukraine and the events in the Middle East are real hotbeds of military confrontation,” Mr. Sergeyenko said. He noted that, in 1989, the NATO military bloc united 16 countries, but their number has reached 32 by now. Even Finland and Sweden, which had remained neutral for many years, joined the bloc. “Preparations for military operations are actually underway all over the world,” he said.

The Chairman of the House of Representatives also drew attention to the situation evolving near the borders of Belarus, “Our ‘friendly’ Poland is strengthening the military presence of the NATO bloc. A new stage of exercises – involving territorial units and NATO military personnel – is beginning on the territory of Lithuania.”

Mr. Sergeyenko noted that, against these circumstances, Belarus responds to unfriendly actions of the neighbouring states by strengthening its defence capability and openness. “On the one hand, we ensure our security, strengthen our armed forces, the military-industrial complex, and redeploy individual units to perform tasks near the southern borders. On the other hand, we demonstrate the openness of our territory to the EU: following a decision of the Head of State, no visas are needed to enter Belarus,” he added.