Posted: 20.06.2024 11:48:00

BNTU, Tongji University signed memorandum of understanding

A delegation from China’s Tongji University visited the Belarusian National Technical University, and the parties reached certain agreements, reports with reference to the educational institution

“The visit began with the presentation of innovative developments of the BNTU Polytechnic Science and Technology Park by its Director Georgy Vershina. Touching upon, among other things, the topic of innovations in the field of mechanical engineering, he reported the Chinese guests on plasma technologies for applying high-strength coatings,” the Belarusian university’s media centre informed.

It is noted that the Chinese were particularly interested in Polytechnic’s medical products: instruments and implants for traumatology, an ultrasound device for the treatment of skin and venereal diseases, coronary vessels, and so on.

The Head of the Building Materials and Construction Technologies Department, Sergei Leonovich, then informed the guests on the activities of his faculty, its specialties and specialisations, the possibilities of studying under master's degree programmes, as well as the latest achievements in the field of digitalisation, BIM technologies and international co-operation.

The delegation members got acquainted with the BNTU activities and its positions in world rankings, the intranational programmes that are being implemented at the university, as well as the projects aimed at strengthening co-operation with the People's Republic of China.

At the end of the meeting, BNTU Rector Sergei Kharitonchik and Peng Zhenwei, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Tongji University, signed a memorandum of understanding between the educational establishments, which envisages further development of fruitful co-operation.

Photos by BNTU media centre