Posted: 13.07.2022 14:15:00

Belarusian diplomat: criminals with blood on their hands still live comfortably in neighbouring countries

Only by preserving the harsh and cruel truth of history, it is possible to decisively resist the glorification of Nazism – as stated by Irina Velichko, the Head of the Main Department of Multilateral Diplomacy of the Foreign Ministry, at a UN Security Council Arria-formula meeting on the situation with the glorification of Nazism in modern conditions, BelTA reports


Irina Velichko said, “We express serious concern about the tendencies to give distorted moral and legal assessments of the results of WWII, to equalise the rights of victims and executioners, liberators and aggressors, to question the decisions of the Nuremberg Tribunal. Some criminals – those who committed atrocities against the coalition of victors and the Belarusian people and whose hands are in blood – still live comfortably in some neighbouring countries. Moreover, they are revered as heroes there. At the same time, human rights activists who oppose the glorification of Nazism are held liable in these states.”

In this regard, the diplomat drew attention to the recent publication by the Belarusian Foreign Ministry of a report entitled The Most Resonant Human Rights Violations in Certain Countries-2022. “The report posted on the website of the Foreign Ministry of Belarus clearly illustrates the current internal crisis, deeply rooted in Western states, mainly due to the complete inability of the political elites of these countries to meet the real needs of ordinary people. Cases of Nazi rehabilitation, especially among young people, make up a large part of this intra-European crisis,” she said.

Irina Velichko underlined that only by preserving the harsh and cruel truth of history, it is possible to decisively resist the glorification of Nazism. “Only by remembering the lessons of history, we will be able to resist attempts to whitewash the Nazis and justify their heinous crimes,” the diplomat said.

According to her, Belarus – being one of the UN co-founders – will continue to pay close attention to the spread of Nazi ideology, which once led the world to one of the greatest catastrophes in the history of mankind. “After all, preventing the recurrence of such a catastrophe is the main mandate of the United Nations and its Security Council. We call on all UN member states to take concrete steps to counter the glorification of Nazism, the promotion of the ideas of racism and neo-fascism, and the inciting of xenophobia and intolerance,” added Irina Velichko.