Posted: 24.10.2022 13:39:00

Belarus takes part in OSCE PA Silk Road Group conference

Viktor Rybak, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Turkey, has taken part in the fourth international parliamentary conference of the OSCE PA Silk Road Group dedicated to Strengthening Connectivity to Ensure Energy and Food Security in Times of Crisis in Istanbul as part of the Belarusian delegation, headed by Andrei Savinykh, the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the House of Representatives and Head of the Delegation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus to the OSCE PA – as reported in the Belarusian Foreign Ministry’s press service


Within the framework of the conference, Viktor Rybak visited the Economic Opportunities of the Silk Road business forum and also held a number of bilateral meetings with Turkish and foreign delegates of the Silk Road Group.