Posted: 18.06.2024 17:00:00

Belarus’ Investigative Committee reported on rescued refugees

The refugees beaten by Latvian servicemen were told by foreign border guards: ‘you will die here if we see you again on our territory’, reports with reference to the Investigative Committee’s press service

Photo: video screenshot

It is informed that five beaten foreigners were found by Belarusian border guards on the afternoon of June 15th on the territory of the Verkhnedvinsk District of the Vitebsk Region. Later, they received medical treatment at a healthcare facility.

As the refugees told an investigator during the interrogation, they were heading to Germany, but Latvia’s military took money, mobile phones, water and food from them, also using a taser and beating brutally. The almost unconscious men were then taken to the border with Belarus and forced to cross it, and the Latvian servicemen told them, “You will die here if we see you again on our territory.”

As reported by the Investigative Committee, Belarus has once again documented acts of cruelty by Latvian mercenaries against refugees.