Posted: 05.04.2024 17:45:00

Belarus’ Federation of Trade Unions new Chairman revealed its upcoming tasks

The support of workers and special attention to youth remain the most important tasks of the national trade union centre of Belarus – as stated by the new Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus (FTUB), Yuri Senko, at the end of its 9th (extraordinary) Congress held on April 5th in Minsk, reports

Speaking about the election of 80 trade union delegates to the Belarusian People’s Congress, the FTUB head noted, “It was a very difficult choice for the federation, because almost 4m decent citizens of our country are in trade unions today, and most of them are worthy people. Therefore, the choice was very difficult. In addition, the FTUB includes 15 branch trade unions, so it was extremely important that the number of delegates of the Belarusian People’s Congress included representatives of each of them. We managed to do it.”

Describing the elected delegates of the Belarusian People’s Congress, Yuri Senko stressed, “All the specialists have labour merits, and are also very active in their work. They are not just able to perform their work duties well, they are also able to initiate certain novelties and look for new solutions.”

Speaking about the goals and objectives that the new FTUB Chairman sets for the national trade union centre, Yuri Senko noted, “The Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus has gathered a rich heritage with wonderful traditions over its 120-year history. Especially in the modern period of Belarus, when there is a wonderful tradition between the Government, trade unions, and employers, not of disputes and struggle, but of finding solutions on the eve of the adoption of a particular regulatory act. Trade union specialists, lawyers, and technical inspectors are in direct interaction with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, legislative bodies, prosecutor's offices and justice in search of the right solution in order to prevent any deviation at the beginning of the reception and discussion of the regulatory act, which could subsequently affect workers.”

The FTUB Chairman named a number of tasks that have been set for the trade unions and will be strictly carried out.

“The first task is, of course, working with youth. There are many young people among the 4m members of trade unions, so it is necessary to work with them through primary units, of which there are more than 24,000 in Belarus. Uniting young people on work issues, leisure, and hobbies is our primary task. The trade unions have a large amount of infrastructure at their disposal, which allows our young workers – trade union members – to relax, such as sanatoriums, hotels, tourist centres, and sports grounds of various types. That is, there are many activities for young people,” Yuri Senko stated.

“The second task is the support of workers. This task has always been and remains the most crucial one. It is very important for our workers, trade union members, and production workers, not to think about whether they know exactly the basics of labour, civil, and administrative legislation or not. They must fulfil their work duties. The task is to protect their interests, and to create conditions without any violations. This is the work of the trade unions, which are honourably coping with this job, considering comprehensively with the employer how to create good working conditions. All this, of course, ultimately leads to high production results,” Yuri Senko added.

Mr. Senko called the need for consolidation of society the third task for trade unions, “And here the trade unions are also at their best, they are doing a lot, and will continue to create a society that will achieve national goals for the unity of our nation and collective in a single impulse, in order to preserve the traditions of our country, to protect the health and lives of workers, and all other values that Belarusians cherish for themselves and their descendants: children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.”

The new FTUB leader also named the fourth task, “Of course, a very important mission of the trade union movement is to represent our country and our trade unions in the international arena. Much work has already been done in this area. However, in the modern world of claims from the countries of the collective West, the United States, today there is a need and an opportunity for the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus to express its opinion. The FTUB has always been and will remain in defence of workers. The federation also stands for the preservation of the international agreements adopted earlier that ensured workers' rights and support on the world arena. We will continue this work as well.”