Posted: 07.10.2021 16:43:00

Apples in schoolchildren’s hands

When classes are over, boys and girls from Vishov secondary school, in the Belynichi District, join their teachers in harvesting apples

It’s already a kind tradition for children to help the Kolkhoz Rodina collective farm. High school pupils work here with pleasure – loading trucks with apples. A picturesque orchid, rich harvest and autumn sun contribute to their working efficiency. Many boys and girls want to work and Yekaterina Zaitseva, the Director of Vishov secondary school, explains, “Many come to us together with their brothers and sisters. We are happy to help the farm, and it helps us. Our collective farm sends apples to the school canteen and pays children for their work, also encouraging them with interesting trips around the country. We’ve been co-operating with Kolkhoz Rodina for more than 30 years and it helps our school financially. Moreover, it pays scholarship to pupils who study well and awards our graduates with valuable gifts. Many of our boys and girls return to work in their small homeland after graduating from other educational institutions which can be easily explained: they see that Rodina values its employees and pays good salaries.”

Teachers also work jointly with children. History teacher Vladimir Chuzhavko proudly admits, “Our pupils are accustomed to useful work from an early age. You know, many of them reveal new angles of their personality here – demonstrating the best of their character. Such good campaigns unite. It's not for nothing that they say: idleness rusts the mind.”

Photos by Tatiana Podlipskaya